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Project Concept

A good concept project is the foundation of a successful investment.

Concept projects

If necessary, project engineering services we provide may include performance of a wide range of analyses prior to project execution, these are: feasibility studies, functional analyses, preliminary designs, technical and economic studies, modelling, etc.

Having carried out the preliminary analysis of investor requirements and engineering, legal and economic factors influencing execution of the project we present the Customer with a clear offer tailored to their needs. We carry out analyses of different possible versions of the concept project until our solution is accepted by the Customer.

We have extensive knowledge of automated facilities and we supplement it with detailed site visits, analysis of data available and, if necessary, results of the tests carried out exclusively for a given project.

The choice of automation system or additional equipment is based on given conditions and Customer's budget. One of the most important criteria in making the choice is the cost-effectiveness ratio. If required by the Customer, we prepare several versions of the project with different automation systems, providing details on all pros and cons that are possible to identify.

We present reliable calculation of additional costs that will have to be incurred in several years' time due to computer equipment life-span and purchase of spare parts of the automation system. We also warn against situations in which in several years' time the Customer will have to purchase the parts at excessive prices.

We provide guaranteed effectiveness indicators and methods of their objective calculation. What we always provide for every project we realise is a description of technological conditions and actual limitations. We do not offer improvement of indicators and parameters, if such enhancement proves to be impossible already at the stage of purely theoretical analysis.

Our offer can be prepared in the form of a preliminary design including:

  • Calculation of technical and economic indicators
  • Detailed equipment configurationU
  • Control algorithms
  • Advanced control algorithmsv
  • Forms of visualisation and man-machine dialogue

Should the Customer require so, we may present an offer assuming involvement of Customer's engineering staff in the realisation of the project at any stage. If the personnel lacks necessary qualifications, we can provide them with intensive training. It is a good way of lowering the cost of the whole project.